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October 2, 2021

09:00 – 10:00: Registration @Lobby 1&2


Visitors will enter the lobby, where they can sign up with the experienced staff's assistance and then they will have the option to sign another -more detailed- form, in case they wish to have a future contact with the event's organization. Moreover, booklet bags will be distributed to the audience, featuring the exhibition program, the companies that have a physical presence through the stands, and also the latest technological updates.

10:15 – 11:00: Welcome ceremony @C1


In one of the two meeting rooms available at the Metropolitan Expo venue, we will organize a welcome ceremony for our VIP audience. The organizing committee will greet one representative from each booth set up in the exhibition, representatives from the Ministries of Tourism, Environment and Energy, Development and Investment, the President of the Republic, representatives of the Municipality of Athens, Athens Metro, Acropolis Museum, Athens International Airport, Hellenic Association of Mobile Application Companies (SEKEE), University professors of the fields of technology, science and mathematics (NTUA, AUEB, UOA, MIT, STANFORD, CAMBRIDGE, HARVARD, OXFORD, NUS, SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY), Media representatives, CEOs and representatives from Greek and international software, technology and gaming companies, as well as prominent business people.

After the welcoming, a video in 3D will be presented, going through the evolution that technology has met, from the ancient Greek years up to date. This relatively unknown aspect of ancient Greek culture indeed shows that the technology of ancient Greeks at the end of the ancient Greek world was very similar to the beginnings of modern Western technology. More than 300 Greek inventions are now known worldwide, from Philo's "robot maid" to Aeneas' hydraulic telegraph and Heron's "cinema". The automatic watch of Ktisivios (astrologer in Ptolemy) and the analogical computer of Antikythera.

Throughout the video, visitors will be watching a variety of innovations that led to all those technological breakthroughs of today. At the end of the video, everyone will be left with the main question: where is technology heading to and what new is yet to be launched.


10:00 – 18:00: Exhibition Hours


During these hours, the exhibition booths will be open and visitors will be able to communicate with many companies' representatives and get informed over their latest technological creations.(potential upcoming launches or something that is expected to be in the spotlight right ahead).


16:00 – 17:00: Masterclass @Hall 4 / Electric Vehicles by Tesla


All visitors wishing to attend shall indicate their interest in advance, between 14:00 and 15:30. The topic of the Masterclass will be electric driving. Since electric cars make a big bet for automakers and governments, who wish to make more eco-friendly moves, it will be a big chance for visitors to keep up with developments made and everything new related to this issue.

In Greece, electric car sales are still extremely low, at just 0.6% in January of 2020, but experts claim that a significant increase is expected in the next five years. Tesla's CEO Elon Musk will talk about the new era of electric driving, giving the audience every detail needed.



October 3, 2021

09:00 – 10:00: Registration @Lobby 1 & 2


10:00 – 18:00: Exhibition Hours


12:00 – 13:00: Workshop @Hall 4 / Emotion AI by Behavioral Signals


Attendance will be open to all of the visitors, as long as they have indicated their interest on the day of the event and between hours 10:00-11:00. The Greek company Behavioral Signals has developed a technology that delivers the ability to humans and machines to recognize and measure emotions and behaviors by analyzing human conversations. As a result, the specific technology not only improves communication between people, but also plays a major role between humans and machines, and brings us closer to creating machines that can feel human emotions. It was founded in 2016 by Alexander Potamiano, Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at NTUA, and Shri Narayanan, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Linguistics, Psychology at the University of Southern California. The company is present in both the US and Athens, where the technical department of developers and part of the research and development department are located. Patented Behavioral Signal Processing technology is able not only to detect and measure emotion by voice, but also to predict the intention of the speaker through behavioral analysis. More specifically, it analyzes not only what is said, but also how it is said, the emotions, the way of speaking, the tone of the voice. This project can be described as revolutionary, given that until now what Voice Recognition machines usually do, is to analyze what is being said and to give simple answers to user questions. This technology is provided to companies that have their own software in which they integrate software-as-a-service (SaaS). It is already used by businesses around the world, with the majority based in the United States.

These are companies active in the market of computers and artificial intelligence, in health, in the financial sector, in retail etc. For example, Behavioral Signals' technology could be integrated into a robot that acts as a carer for the elderly, reminding them to take their medication. In cases where the elderly feel sad or irritated and do not want to take their pills, the caring robot can detect these feelings and try to talk through them to feel better.

Those who choose to attend the specific workshop will be able to get to know this technology and interact with the robotic machines.


15:30 – 17:00: Seminar @C1 / Educational Robotics by The Real Robokids, powered by Cosmote


Attendance will be open to all of the visitors, as long as they have indicated their interest on the day of the event and between hours 13:00-15:00. Educational robotics is based on the STEM method that combines science, mathematics, engineering and technology in order to create an integrated robotic construction. Through the actions of educational robotics, young people acquire skills, while developing the sense of teamwork, imagination and creativity.

COSMOTE, as a strategic partner of the WRO Hellas Educational Robotics and Science Non-profit Organization, has been implementing a set of actions for the past 6 years, in order to develop young people's digital/technological skills, as well as to disseminate the STEM teaching method (Science -Technology-Engineering – Mathematics) in the Greek educational system. The audience will have the opportunity to get to know the teams that have represented Greece at the World Robotics Olympiad in Hungary and have achieved the biggest victory for Greece in the history of Educational Robotics.

The teams, along with their leaders, will talk not only about how they were rewarded, but also about the future and benefits of educational robotics as it is about to become a technological industry that will concern the world in the upcoming years.



October 4, 2021

09:00 – 10:00: Registration @Lobby 1 & 2


10:00 – 18:00: Exhibition Hours


15:00 – 16:00: Academic Meeting @C2


University professors, from Greece and other countries, from the field of technology, economics and mathematics will gather in one room to discuss how they see the international technological future, the advantages and challenges that countries are facing and are called upon to manage each one individually.


16:00 – 17:00:  Seminar @C1 / Flip screens & other technologies by Samsung


Samsung representatives will talk about the innovation of the flip screen that creates new data for the development of the smartphone market. It is a new layer of polymer material that creates a screen about 50% thinner than a standard screen that opens like a book and it becomes flat and compact upon closure. At the same time the Samsung team will present all the innovations that will accompany 5G, as well as the new technologies - capabilities of their camera.


18:30 – 19:30: Closing ceremony @C1


We will organize a closing ceremony of the three-day exhibition, where attendees of the opening ceremony will be present. There they will have the opportunity to review the highlights of all the activities that took place in the previous days. Our goal is to bring together all the technological innovations launched by the companies in the exhibition in just one hour, so that the entire market is at the same wavelength for developments to come.


19:45: Gathering outside the venue area & departure for the cocktail party


We are going to gather all the sponsors of our exhibition outside the Exhibition Center to get on the special buses and drive them to St. George Lycabettus Hotel for a cocktail party, in order to celebrate the end of our 3-day event.


*Coffee and Snack available all day long inside the venue’s coffee spots.


**Lunch available at 13:00 – 16:00 inside the venue’s restaurants.


***There will be a sign language translator to cover all speeches and activities of the event.

Our Agenda: Past Events
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